About Us

Our Mission Statement
To help people begin their Journey toward God's Best by connecting them with Jesus Christ in Salvation, making them a Part of the Community of Faith on the Journey, and Equip them so that they are Empowered to help others to start their Journey, too.

Our Core Values
Our core values define who we are. In order to be successful in fulfilling our "Mission Statement", they are the driving force/virtues behind everything we do.

1. Integrity
We believe that Christ's followers should live above reproach. Living a pure and honest lifestyle will protect one's testimony and uphold God's righteousness.

2. Creativity
We believe in artistic innovation, imagination and culturally relevant expressions of communicating our faith in all areas of ministry.

3. Servanthood
We believe that the church should operate as a unified body of humble servants. To protect the unity of the spirit in our church by refusing to give audience to a spirit of complaining, but instead, adopt solutions that honor God and build biblical character.

4. Accountability
We believe every member should commit to a morally consistent conduct of being responsible and answerable to God, leadership and to one another. This involves being transparent and teachable for mutual correction and edification.

5. Fruitfulness
We believe that Christians should grow spiritually to share the love of Christ through their discovered gifts. We believe that commitment to personal growth through personal devotions, church attendance, and other bible interactions will ensure spiritual growth and fruitfulness through service.

6. Excellence
We believe that doing our best service honors God and inspires people. A growing spirit of excellence should permeate in every activity by humbly embracing consistent evaluation and a willingness to improve for the sake of the Kingdom of God to enable growth of ministries.

7. Time
We believe that time is a gift from God. How we use it determines how we spend our lives. It has the same stewardship value as our talents and treasures. We honor God with our time by spending in prayer, knowing God's word, sharing the Gospel, and punctuality.